Friday 27 November 2009

Merlin- sound.

The sound in the first clip had a lot of non-digetic music. This was action type music, and suggested that this was what the programme was going to be like. 
It also suggested that Merlin was the main character and he was going to be the one that all of the action was based around. 
There was also non-diegetic sound included in the clip- this included the sound of the swords and the fight. Also there is church bells that ring. This all suggests the time and date that it was set in.
Towards the end of the sequence there was the sound of a snake hissing, which also had music in the background. This made it very tense and Merlin was walking towards the shield and we didn't really know what was going on. This music almost represented him as being not scared as he was interested in what the sound was. However it then almost completely turned around as he jumped when someone else walked in which almost suggests that he is weak and scared, which is counter typical. 

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